by OMU Team | Apr 24, 2023 | Courses
Gegužės 12-14 d., Jurbarkas Tai reta proga patirti Tantrą ir meditaciją vienoje vietoje su 3 vedliais po vienu stogu. Praktika ir teorija persipins ir taps vieniu, kaip ir turėtų būti iš pažiūros su nesuderinamomis filosofijomis, bet šios peraugs į šį tą daugiau negu...
by OMU Team | Apr 19, 2023 | Courses
Balandžio 28-29 d., Jurbarkas Pagrindinis dėmesys bus skiriamas meditacijai, detoksikacijai, pirčiai, pašaukimui, dėkingumui, bendrystei ir atsinaujinimui. Gali atvykti pradedantieji ir pažengę, ar tiesiog norintys įsigerti į meditacinį būvį, pailsėti nuo...
by OMU Team | Apr 11, 2023 | Articles, Members content
Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art making as a primary mode of communication and expression. It is based on the idea that creating art can be therapeutic and healing, and that the creative process can help individuals to explore and understand their...
by OMU Team | Apr 11, 2023 | Articles, Members content, Premium content
Numerology is a field of study that involves the interpretation of numbers and their significance in people's lives. It is based on the idea that numbers have a mystical or spiritual power that can reveal information about a person's character, personality, and life...