顔読み取りの 12 ゾーン

顔読み取りの 12 ゾーン

人相学としても知られるフェイスリーディングは、顔の特徴を分析して人の性格特性と潜在的な将来を判断する古代の実践です。顔占いの重要な要素の 1 つは、12 のハウスを識別することです。


7月29-30日、ジュルバルカス このトレーニングは、人生において内なる平和、強さ、直観力、洞察力を求める人々を対象としています。焦点は、瞑想の基礎を学び、同じ考えを持つ人々とエネルギーに満ちた環境に身を置くことにあり、おそらく…
About stoic philosophy

About stoic philosophy

Stoicism is a philosophy that has been around for over two thousand years, and it has been a source of inspiration for many people throughout history. This philosophy is based on the principles of rationality, self-control, and inner peace, and it encourages...
What is Mien Shiang?

What is Mien Shiang?

Mien Shiang is an ancient Chinese art of face reading that has been in practice for thousands of years. In Mandarin, “Mien” means face, and “Shiang” means to read, so Mien Shiang quite literally means “face reading.” The practice...
What is Vedanta?

What is Vedanta?

Vedanta, also known as Uttara Mimamsa, is a philosophy that originated in ancient India. It is a school of Hindu philosophy that emphasizes the ultimate reality of existence, the self, and the relationship between the two. Vedanta is a Sanskrit term that means "end of...