Remote training on the basics of face reading

by | Mar 9, 2023 | Courses

We will turn the theory of face study into a clearly understandable and accurate skill of analyzing people. We will discuss how to evaluate the main facial features in a time perspective. After the training, you will get to know yourself better and understand the needs of those around you!

After the training, you will be able to see in a person:

  • Character and related, future challenges, personal potential, talents.
  • You will easily be able to understand if the person in front of you is:reliable, steady, successful, plagued by hardships, a supporter of long-term relationships, active, passive, educated, chaotic,expenses, powerful, good health and many other aspects.
  • You will understand for which category the mosttinkate:entrepreneurs, managers, salaried professionals, self-employed.

You will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the training:

In a relationship
In career/business planning
In personal development


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