A weekend of meditation and introspection

by | Mar 25, 2023 | Content, Courses

July 29-30, Jurbarkas

The training is intended for those seeking inner peace, strength, intuition and discernment in their lives. The main focus will be on learning the basics of meditation and being in an energetic environment with like-minded people and maybe even fellow travelers. Beginners and advanced students, or those who simply want to immerse themselves in a meditative state, take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world, do yoga and get answers to their questions can come to the training. Great attention will be paid to rest from heavy food and refreshment of consciousness and energy.


Armandas Kažerskas– a meditation teacher, qualified as a creative master in China, author of ten books, leading mass, public meditations in Lithuania and abroad. He has been practicing meditation since childhood, has a master's degree in social sciences and an argumentative, iron logic. He has been engaged in educational and consulting activities for the ninth year. A person with whom unexpected changes in perceptions happen after meeting and spending time...

Armando's guided meditations are unique in that they create an energetic field of calmness and mindless state around them, the lessons conducted from a mindless, flowing state are engaging and hypnotizing. In this way, meditation takes place in two ways - by listening and by being together, even without directly practicing meditation. This is a rare phenomenon in the circle of meditation teachers. You have to experience it at least once.


1. Acquaintance, intentions
2. Lecture on sacralization, holiness and energetic vibrations
3. Existential meditation
4. Blessing meditation
5. Walking meditation
6. Diving into the lake, if weather conditions allow
7. OM energetic breathing and chanting meditation
8. Yoga, improvisational dance exercise
9. Sauna
10. Ice pool
11. Fresh juice, fruit, water
12. Like-minded people
13. Overnight in rooms or in your own tent



10 o'clock Arrival. Getting to know each other
11 o'clock Lecture on types of meditation and methods of application
12 o'clock Existential meditation
1:30 p.m. Lunch, free time
at 2 p.m. Yoga, improvisational dance exercise
3:30 p.m. Existential meditation
at 5 p.m. Walking meditation
6:30 p.m. Meditation in cold water
8 p.m. Sauna
9:30 p.m. Existential meditation
11 p.m. Rest


8 o'clock Yoga, improvisational dance exercise
9 o'clock Free time
10 o'clock OM Energy Breathing Meditation
11 o'clock Mental gymnastics. Vocation analysis tasks
1 p.m. Lunch, free time
at 2 p.m. Blessing Meditation
at 3 p.m. Existential meditation

4 p.m. Discussion, sharing

at 5 p.m. End of official part



The training will take place in the city of Jurbarkas, in a quiet place, near nature, which is surrounded by a pedestrian path with 24-hour lighting, a stream, and recreation areas. Jurbarkas bus station is nearby (15-minute walk, along the footpath).


The process will take place in an individual house in the city area with a yard. There are 4 rooms in the house: two of which are quadruple rooms, one is a double room and one is a triple room with bed linen.

The building has a training and meditation space on the first floor. For relaxation, there are two balconies and two large terraces with a view of the park and the city. There is a sauna and service facilities (WC, showers, kitchenette). The building has an annex with a gym, where you can use fitness equipment or perform flexibility and yoga exercises.

The spaces of the house are minimalistic and clean. Don't expect luxury. The order during the event is everyone's personal responsibility.

It will be strong and effective!

The cost of training

  • Adequate, financial thanks for development according to possibilities and wishes
  • Seat reservation - €50
  • 10 seats
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